The Role of the CSO: An Industry Perspective

Tuesday, April 05, 2005 | 12:15PM–1:00PM | Grand Ballroom (lower level)
Session Type: Professional Development
As the number of security professionals in higher education proliferates, divergent views persist on how to best leverage the role of the chief security officer (CSO) in academic organizations, the position's reporting structure, and its scope of responsibilities. CSOs come from a variety of backgrounds and have a wide range of professional certifications. The CSO's role in combating cybercrime is often confusing, especially in light of the interests of campus, state, and federal law enforcement organizations. Boni will share an industry perspective on the role of the CSO, drawing on the expertise of the Global Council of CSOs, a think tank of influential corporate, government, and academic security experts dedicated to raising the awareness of online security issues and defining the role of CSOs.


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