How to Be a Chief Privacy Officer When Your University Doesn't Have One Yet
Protecting privacy is a reality that universities must deal with. Numerous federal, provincial, and state laws and regulations dictate how universities must protect employee, student, and patient personal information. In addition, current and emerging technologies and community practices add to the complexity of the privacy landscape. The challenges in getting the conversation started include the need to develop a program and acquire support. This discussion will look at different approaches to bringing key stakeholders together, obtaining buy-in, and developing a program that meets a university's needs.
Learn the privacy landscape that universities must cope with, which can be used to help justify a program * Discover ways of getting disparate silos to begin communicating about shared areas of interest * Understand the keys for creating an effective privacy governance framework and structure * Develop connections with like-minded privacy policy advocates
Consultant, Wayne State University
Bruce White
Records Manager, Old Dominion University