IT Security Response to Major Incident (Lessons Learned from the Sandusky Scandal)

Thursday, May 08, 2014 | 10:15AM–11:15AM | Grand Ballroom Salon E/F
Session Type: Professional Development

In 2011 and 2012, Penn State faced a crisis and challenging times following the allegations of sexual abuse by Jerry Sandusky. Part of what followed was an investigation by several different organizations that required significant assistance from the university IT community. This presentation will cover the lessons learned from dealing with a large-scale incident involving multiple concurrent investigations. We will cover technical and managerial issues and a few social ones as well.


Prepare other university IT teams for handling a significant investigation * Share our experience so that others may learn from them * Spark meaningful conversations that we can all learn from


  • John Corro

    Sr. Security/Systems Analyst, The Pennsylvania State University

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