Information Security, Governance, and Risk Capability: How Do You Measure Up?

Tuesday, April 19 | 10:00AM–10:30AM
Session Type: Professional Development
Are your information security, IT governance, and IT risk management initiatives top-notch? Or are you hitting a roadblock but you just don't know why? Building on successful benchmarking initiatives, EDUCAUSE has built a new online service that helps IT leaders assess and benchmark maturity and technology deployment for a suite of strategic initiatives including information security, IT risk management, and IT governance. Join us to learn about the landscape of information security, IT risk management, and IT governance initiatives in higher education and how to improve in areas of difficulty.

OUTCOMES: Identify benchmarks of IT's capability to deliver information security, IT risk management, and governance * Reflect on comparative areas of success and opportunities for improvement * Discuss action items for improving with institutional leadership


  • Tom Dugas

    Assistant Vice President & CISO, Duquesne University
  • Leah Lang

    Director of Corporate Engagement, EDUCAUSE

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