We Built, We Bought, We Shared: The Costs of Administrative Service Systems vs. the Academic Mission

Friday, June 13 | 10:00AM–10:45AM | Crystal Ballroom B
Session Type: Professional Development
This panel will bring to life lessons learned from alternative approaches to managing the costs of ERP implementations, including building your own in the modern era, buying and implementing in smarter ways, implementing SaaS alternatives, and joining a higher education consortium that shares processes and software development. We will also address the leadership opportunities for finding ways to minimize the costs of administrative systems so our institutions can invest in our core missions-teaching and learning, service, and research.


  • Eric Denna

  • Ted Dodds

    CIO and Vice President for Information Technologies, Cornell University
  • Steve Fleagle

    CIO and Associate Vice President, The University of Iowa
  • Laura Patterson

    University of Michigan-Ann Arbor