Measuring and Forecasting Student Success Initiatives

Thursday, April 18, 2019 | 1:00PM–1:45PM PT | Tokyo/Vancouver, Third Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
How can higher education leaders looking to retain students and increase the number of graduates improve student success? Where should they focus, and how will they know if what they are doing is working? Many institutions are adopting and investing in initiatives, such as Guided Pathways, to help them achieve these goals but are challenged to quantify the results of their investments. Learn how you can use industry-accepted metrics to design analytics that let you monitor and proactively ensure student success.

Outcomes: Understand how your institution can implement early-warning indicators to improve student outcomes * Gain tips for breaking down silos and integrating data * Learn how this approach supports Guided Pathways and other student success initiatives


  • Jacob Chandler

    Senior Product Manager, Ellucian

Resources & Downloads

  • Measuring and Forecasting Student Success Initiatives

    Updated on 11/26/2019