IT, IR, and Business and Finance Professionals: Share Your Innovative Ideas!
Your experience is vital to helping other higher ed leaders develop their own analytics initiatives of the future. Please consider sharing your stories with your peers from IT, IR, and business and finance by submitting a proposal for the 2019 Enterprise Summit. Carefully read the information below and follow the checklist at the bottom of this page.
2019 Program Tracks
Colleges and universities have vast stores of data that can be used to make strategic decisions, but most institutions are just scratching the surface of analytics possibilities. The program committee identified the following tracks as important considerations for the future. Proposals that clearly describe innovative and forward-looking work will receive the highest priority in the selection process.
- The future of the analytics workforce and organizational structure
The IT, IR, and business office functions are evolving in order to enable a deeper focus on institutional analytics and data-driven decision-making, and the analytics workforce is evolving along with them. These sessions offer a glimpse into how these units are evolving and the importance of collaboration across these functions, as well as the skills and competencies that are becoming necessary within the workforce. - The future of governance and communications
Analytics does not live within one department or function. Instead, it requires close collaboration across the institution. These sessions will describe the importance of data governance in analytics initiatives and how communication can be used to tell the story of the value of analytics. - Future use cases
What does the future of analytics look like? These sessions will provide insight into innovative processes, tools, and projects that show the potential for broadening our use of analytics.
Session Types
All summit sessions will be conducted face-to-face in the meeting venue.
Proposals will be selected to ensure the conference program offers a comprehensive, noncommercial, objective, and diverse treatment of issues related to the theme and focus of this event. You may be invited to present in a track other than the one you selected.
Breakout Sessions
All track sessions will be 45 minutes. Attendee presentations will be held in Long Beach, California, Wednesday afternoon through Friday morning, April 17–19.
Consider these tips before submitting a proposal:
- Track sessions (45-minute presentations) should focus on practical applications of innovative, forward-thinking analytics.
- Keep your audience in mind. Attendees will be senior leaders in the areas of IT, IR, and business and finance.
- Explore the EDUCAUSE Presenter Concierge for tips on writing a successful proposal.
Selection Criteria
All submitted proposals are reviewed and evaluated by the 2019 Enterprise Summit Program Committee and invited readers against the following criteria:
- Relevance of Topic: Does it connect with the focus on the future of analytics?
- Proposed Topic Coverage: Does the proposal adequately cover content related to the proposers' learning objectives and key stated outcomes?
- Speaker Knowledge: Does the speaker or speakers have sufficient knowledge, expertise, and authority to address this topic based on evidence provided in the proposal and/or your prior experience with or knowledge of the speaker?
- Engagement Strategies: Does the speaker include specific strategies with which they will engage participants in the session content and do those strategies align with the session's learning objectives/outcomes?
- Overall Rating: What is your evaluation of this proposal overall?
Corporate Participation
The program committee will not review proposals that include a corporate presenter. A limited number of Industry and Campus Solutions presentations will be accepted via the Corporate Participation page. These are presentations by a corporation or industry partner coupled with an institutional member on challenges and opportunities related to the future of analytics. Please note: There is a fee for presenting.
On behalf of the 2019 Enterprise Analytics Summit Program Committee, we hope to see you in Long Beach in April!