Online Support + Web 2.0 = Access + Availability

Tuesday, March 29 | 4:00PM–4:50PM | Room 550
Session Type: Professional Development
SUNY Delhi has developed a rich, cutting-edge portal for 24/7 support for online students and faculty using tools such as Twitter, Google Voice and Calendar, AIM WIMZI chat, Confluence wiki, DimDim screen sharing, RSS, and web forms. This session will present the evolution of the portal, design principles, and user responses, such as "The help here is already about a thousand times better than the college I transferred from. It's awesome." Participants will take away ideas for functionality and usability and a Creative Commons package to add to their own institutions' front line of support that their users will appreciate!


  • Clark Shah-Nelson

    Assistant Dean, Instructional Design and Technology, University of Maryland, Baltimore