The TAPAS Project: Creating a Shared Service for Digital Humanities Projects Using TEI

Tuesday, March 29 | 9:30AM–10:20AM | Room 552 A
Session Type: Professional Development
Representatives from Wheaton, Mount Holyoke, and Dickinson Colleges decided to address the mutual problem faced by many at small liberal colleges with storing and publishing scholarly projects that use TEI encoding. We applied for an Institute of Museum and Library Services–funded National Leadership grant, "Publishing TEI Documents for Small Liberal Arts Colleges: Planning a Service, Building a Community." The planning grant was awarded in September 2009. The yearlong project included multiple institutions nationwide. Representatives from several participating colleges will report on the process of this multi-institutional initiative and the plan for the future service, called TAPAS.


  • Andrew Ashton

    Associate University Librarian for Digital Technologies, Brown University
  • Scott Hamlin

    Director of Educational Technology and Support Services, Stonehill College

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