Translating Research into Education and Practice: Collaborative Efforts to Improve Information Security

Tuesday, March 29 | 3:00PM–3:50PM | Room 551
Session Type: Professional Development
The Institute of Security, Technology, and Society, along with staff at Dartmouth College and faculty from other institutions, has developed two innovative programs, Dartmouth CSI and SISMAT. The Dartmouth Cyber-Security Initiative (CSI) is a cooperative effort between faculty, staff, and students aimed at improving the security of the college's information systems. SISMAT (Secure Information Systems Mentoring and Training) is an ambitious information security education and training program for undergraduates and their faculty mentors from institutions around the country. The presentation will address how these highly collaborative programs translated research into education and practice to improve information security at our institution and beyond.


  • Adam Goldstein

    Associate Director - Information Security, Dartmouth College