Demystifying Social Media for Media-Curious Faculty

Wednesday, March 14 | 4:40PM–5:30PM | Room 552
Session Type: NC12
This session will explore the challenges of training faculty in the nuances of social media. We'll discuss the experience of developing and offering fully online social media training seminars to faculty at three separate universities across New England. These seminars were facilitated using social media platforms and the LMS. We'll talk candidly about what worked and what didn't—how we were able to engage faculty and what topics generated the most interest. Participants will be given a framework and content recommendations for developing online social media workshops on their own campuses.


  • Kristen Bourgault

    Associate Teaching PRofessor, Quinnipiac University
  • Rebecca Petersen

    Program Director, Education @Tufts, Tufts University

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