Seminar 01P - Learning Organization Academy: Transforming Libraries and IT through Continuous Evolution
PLEASE NOTE: Separate registration and fee are required to attend this seminar.

Monday, March 12 | 2:00PM–5:30PM | Room 552B
Session Type: NC12
This session will preview Learning Organization Academy (LOA) 2012–13, a novel professional development opportunity created in response to NERCOMP member demand. The session's interactive format will engage participants in research on how organizations stay relevant and competitive through fostering a culture of continuous on-the-job learning. Speakers will describe LOA's format, which will include an immersive three-day July program followed by intensive ongoing support for teams working to institute new modes of organizational learning. Session participants will be invited to join a series of lively exercises that support consideration of problems and projects that foster learning cultures in organizations.


  • Gina Siesing

    Chief Information Officer, Bryn Mawr College
  • Dave Wedaman

    Organizational Development Consultant