Seminar 03A - Social Media: Beyond the Basics
PLEASE NOTE: Separate registration and fee are required to attend this seminar.

Monday, March 12, 2012 | 9:30AM–1:00PM | Room 552A
Session Type: NC12
This workshop will provide instruction for managing, mixing, and redistributing web content through social media channels. Participants will be able to determine sources of content that may be valuable for reuse (academic, professional development, administrative) and distribute web content through social media channels (for a course, a department, an event). They will also learn to manage multiple channels or streams of information using content aggregation tools. A laptop with wireless capability is required. Attendees are expected to have access to and familiarity with social media tools (such as Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Wordpress, Blogger).


  • Carrie Saarinen

    Sr. Director, Global Customer Success, Class Technologies