Mobile, Mobile Everywhere and Not a Policy in Sight

Wednesday, March 13, 2013 | 4:50PM–5:40PM | Room 551
Session Type: NC13
Mobile computing is impacting our institutions at greater frequency. New and novel apps are integrated into the educational landscape almost every day. Servicing these solutions is no longer the responsibility of a single department. Framingham State University's collaborative team met this challenge by delivering a mobile strategy in a three-month time frame. Implementing a Mobile Strategy based on a collaborative team approach is the theme of our presentation. Personal stories, reflections, audience interaction, and lessons learned frame our interactive session. The audience is encouraged to ask questions and participate with the presenters.


  • Robin Robinson

    Director of Education Technology Office, retired, Framingham State University
  • Deborah Saks

    Deputy Chief Information Officer, Massachusetts College of Art and Design