Engaging New Students with New Technologies in Traditional Environments

Wednesday, March 26 | 9:30AM–10:20AM | Room 550
Session Type: Professional Development

The Accelerated Summer College will launch in the summer of 2014. The program is a Saint Michael's College experiment with an instructional model that will blend new learning technologies with our traditional residential liberal arts environment. In addition to assessing the effectiveness of this learning model, the college wants to gauge the attractiveness of the model to students and initiate programs that use the campus in the summer. The session will describe the instructional model, the process we're using to develop and implement the model, and the status of the experiment as of March 2014.

OBJECTIVES: Learn about a model that blends the strengths of new learning technologies with those of traditional faculty student interaction * See an example of campus-wide collaboration and learn how we organized for a new program in three months * Learn how we chose the content providers and recruited faculty and how we plan to support the use of their content when the program goes live


  • Bill Anderson

    CIO, Saint Michael's College
  • Kellie Campbell

    Chief Information Officer, Vermont State Colleges

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