Building a DisCo: Active Learning in a Library Discovery and Collaboration Space

Wednesday, April 01 | 12:30PM–1:20PM | Room 555
Session Type: Professional Development
This panel will discuss the renovation of our library classroom to support active learning. When the MacPháidín Library opened in 1998, the teaching classroom housed three rows of large, stationary computers. By 2012, this setup restricted librarians' pedagogical options. To prepare for a renovation, librarians had students draw ideal spaces and list activities taking place in the space. We successfully recruited grant funding, and in fall 2014 opened the Flynn Discovery and Collaboration Space, dubbed the DisCo. This panel will include both librarians' and students' feedback on the results of our renovation process, technology available, and learning experiences now possible in the DisCo.

OUTCOMES: Envision your ideal active learning space * Understand the successes and challenges the DisCo has faced to date from the students' perspectives * Learn concrete strategies for implementing active learning in the library classroom


  • Patricia McPherson

    Information Literacy and Outreach Librarian, Stonehill College

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