Can User Experience Help Contain the Cost of Higher Ed?

Wednesday, April 01 | 4:50PM–5:40PM | Room 551
Session Type: Professional Development
With rising expenses and flat revenues at many higher education institutions, a mature user experience (UX) practice can play a significant role in containing internal costs, which impact the overall cost of education. UX remains a relatively misunderstood practice in higher education, but is central to many other types of businesses. This session will help participants understand the cost of not doing UX and elevate the conversation of UX as a viable strategy at a time of resource containment in higher education.

OUTCOMES: Learn how to explain the ROI of UX * Learn how to advocate for a UX process during procurement, development, and implementation* Learn how to advocate for resources to support UX


  • Mary Albert

    Senior Director, Digital Accessibility, Princeton University
  • Melanie St. James

    Associate Director, Design and Usability Services, Tufts University

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