Using Badging as an Open Educational Resource
Tuesday, March 31 | 3:00PM–3:50PM | Room 553
Session Type:
Professional Development
With a rapidly shifting information landscape, teachers struggle to remediate students for whom digital literacy is a struggle and maintain the interest of students for whom this knowledge comes more easily. Furthermore, higher education is under broad criticism for not preparing graduates for the 21st-century workplace. Badging allows educators to meet students at their level. Learn how the State University of New York Metaliteracy Learning Collaborative developed an open badging resource to hone students' research and literacy skills and applied it broadly in credit-bearing courses and as the key coursework for two MOOCs.
OUTCOMES: Learn about the use of badging in assisting learners from cradle to career * Learn how to facilitate connections to help other educational systems encourage outcomes-based assessment * Learn how to continue to develop the use of badges as OER