Seminar 02F - Practical Web Application Security
PLEASE NOTE: Separate registration and fee are required to attend this seminar.

Monday, April 04 | 9:30AM–5:30PM | Travis CD/Third Level
Session Type: Professional Development
Web-based applications represent a growing threat for IT organizations. Not only are software vendors turning to the browser as the interface of choice, but many software solutions are only glorified web applications. The consumer market is also being flooded with web-enabled devices that are designed to sync with Internet-based services. As the browser becomes the new desktop and the Internet the new LAN, how can security and IT professionals analyze, recognize, understand, and address the many security issues that come with this dynamic technology? In this seminar, we will explore the full landscape of the "web application" and examine associated security risks. Through demonstrations and hands-on miniworkshops (bring your own laptop), you will both see and experience how web applications can be assessed and exploited. Finally, we'll look at mitigating solutions, strategies, and activities that you can implement to reduce the degree of risk associated with our web-enabled world.


  • Seth Fogie

    CEO, Airscanner USA