Seminar 03F - SANS Leadership and Management Competencies
PLEASE NOTE: Separate registration and fee are required to attend this seminar.

Monday, April 04 | 9:30AM–5:30PM | Bonham B/Third Level
Session Type: Professional Development
This seminar is designed for existing, recently appointed, and aspiring managers who desire to enhance their leadership skills and develop their staff into a more productive and cohesive team. Attendees will learn how to establish a minimum standard for knowledge, skills, and abilities required to develop leadership; understand and leverage the motivational requirements of employees; and establish a baseline understanding of the skills necessary to migrate from being a manager to becoming a leader.

Brought to you by the SANS-EDU Partnership

This seminar includes a series of labs and in-class discussions. Please be ready to participate fully. We recommend a laptop, but pencil and paper is fine too. The complete outline for this course is available at


  • Randy Marchany

    University IT Security Officer, Virginia Tech