Data Stewards vs. Digital Hoarders in a Game of RISK

Thursday, May 08, 2014 | 10:15AM–11:15AM | Grand Ballroom Salon C/D
Session Type: Professional Development

Rolling the dice with risk management, legal compliance, and data analytics when they collide with deployment of new technology in your enterprise? Have data stewards become armies of data hoarders, storing and archiving restricted data in dangerous territory, surpassing boundaries of useful data retention for analytics, or marching forward without any retreat of data redaction? Well, instead of battling, combine forces in addressing records and retention policies and see how that sexy new data storage, backup, vaulting, and loss-prevention technology can be designed to best fit an enterprise risk management infrastructure that captures the flag of overall organizational risk reduction.


Obtain a framework for collaboration among IT, legal, risk management, data stewards, and other departments for reducing data asset risk * Obtain a template for developing enterprise-wide records and retention policies aimed at reducing organizational risk * Understand current storage, archival, and forensic technologies and how their features (and use) map to effective retention risk reduction


  • Keith Hartranft

  • Sara Rodgers

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