p0wnage and Detections: 2013 Edition

Thursday, May 08, 2014 | 11:30AM–1:00PM | Gateway Ballroom 4
Session Type: Professional Development
We will present in-depth analysis of several security incidents from this past year to showcase the intrusion detection and incident response techniques used at Berkeley Lab. We'll highlight how our security monitors clearly flagged some compromises while examining the reasons why others were missed, as well as the interesting consequences of detection techniques that result in finding malicious but occasional events. We will also discuss how the analysis we conducted on these incidents provides a basis for attack modeling and the design of new methods for security monitoring and response.

Learn about new and "interesting attacks" seen this year at the Berkeley Lab * Get an in-depth look at lessons learned and our reactive and adaptive attack-mitigation strategies * Lean how to secure an open, functional, and unrestricted large-scale network

Please contact [email protected] to request a copy of the session's slides.


  • Jay Krous

    Cyber Security, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Vince Stoffer

    Field CTO, Corelight Inc