Faster, More Effective Incident Response for Your Campus Network

Tuesday, April 19 | 4:15PM–5:15PM | Grand Ballroom I, Grand Level, Fourth Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
Universities are dealing with thousands of security events per day with manual, time-consuming incident response processes. High-fidelity security alerts are now being augmented with a new warehouse of context, providing the responder with unprecedented traceability during triage. By automatically correlating a live inventory of network and end-point information with alerts, incident responders can respond faster. We will discuss how to prioritize security events and help automate the incident response process, allowing security analysts to prioritize events and not get overwhelmed. Learn how MCPHS University is using this more effective approach to incident response.

OUTCOMES: Automate the process of obtaining the information needed to secure your network * Easily trace a security alert to the point of network connection and identify the compromised end points * Leverage a new level of confidence to enable faster responses
