SEM02F-Monitoring Your Science DMZ with Bro (separate registration required)

Monday, April 18, 2016 | 9:30AM–5:30PM | Fifth Avenue Room, Grand Level, Fourth Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
The Science DMZ architecture is spreading throughout higher ed, with both the National Science Foundation and ESNet promoting this more open model to campus cyberinfrastructure providers. NSF has invested in building 10G and 100G research networks to meet the growing demands of the nation's scientists and engineers, but this brings challenges to many traditional ways of securing campus infrastructure. Bro has a successful track record protecting some of the most demanding networks in the country, and it comes well prepared to address the security challenges of bringing data and compute resources outside the firewall for performance. The NSF Bro Center of Expertise is hosting a one-day Bro training workshop aimed at higher ed operators of cyberinfrastructure. This hands-on training will demonstrate Bro's capabilities, teach you how to set up and configure Bro, discuss strategies for deployment on high-speed networks, and present opportunities for further individual assistance from the center.

OUTCOMES: Understand the purpose of Bro and its features * Learn how to install Bro with suggested configuration modifications (e.g., load balancing, pinning workers) * Learn how to seek assistance from the Bro Center of Expertise


  • Justin Azoff

    Research Programmer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign