The Role of Learning Engineering for Next-Gen Learning Technologies

Tuesday, March 05, 2019 | 12:00PM–12:45PM ET
Session Type: Virtual
The term "learning engineering" was coined 50 years ago by Herbert A. Simon while at Carnegie Mellon, who saw the essential benefits of applying technical competencies to learning design. Today, Simon's vision is evident as learning engineering emerges as both a professional practice and an academic discipline. At the confluence of learning science, learning technology, and instructional design, today's learning engineering is framed as the application of engineering methodologies in developing learning technologies and infrastructures to support learners and learning. We will explore the opportunities, challenges, and essential collaborations required to realize full benefits of this emerging discipline partnership.

Outcomes: Explore what learning engineering is, what it does, and why it matters * Contribute important educational perspectives to creating the new discipline of learning engineering * Discuss strategies for assembling effective "learning tech teams" including learning engineering and ID


  • Ellen Wagner

    Affiliate Research Professor, University of Central Florida

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    Updated on 9/5/2024