Aligning IT Organization Structures to Academic and Business Needs

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 | 4:40PM–5:30PM | Sagamore Ballroom 6
Session Type: Professional Development

IT organizations must be responsive to the changing needs of our colleges and stakeholders, and that requires a different kind of organization. This session will review major trends driving the need for new IT organizational structures, barriers that may inhibit structural changes, and potential solutions to overcome these barriers.

Outcomes: Learn about new organizational structure options * Gain strategies for implementing a new organizational structure while addressing barriers to organizational change


  • Kyle Johnson

    AVP for IT Governance, Planning & Strategy, Virginia Tech
  • Mac McIntosh

    Vice President & Chief Information Officer, University of Richmond
  • Joseph Moreau

    Executive Consultant, Higher Digital, Inc.
  • Jennifer Sparrow

    AVP, Research and Instructional Technology, New York University

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