Approaching a State Web Accessibility Mandate

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 | 12:45PM–1:30PM | King Arthur's Court/Third Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
In late 2007 the Illinois Information Technology Accessibility Awareness Act (IITAA) became law, making compliance with web accessibility standards a legal requirement for Illinois higher education. At Western Illinois University, we view the IITAA as a welcome codification of best practices. Our campus-wide efforts have three goals: (1) helping administrators understand standards and their implications, (2) providing practical help to developers, and (3) ensuring faculty awareness and access to support. In this presentation, we will describe methods we've used to improve compliance with IITAA standards and leverage attention to accessibility to generally improve the quality of our web resources.


  • Bradley Dilger

    Associate Professor, Western Illinois University
  • Rebecca Fauvie

    Web Developer, Western Illinois University

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