Ideas and Trends Initiative: Enabling Leaders to Identify and Understand the Impact of Emerging Ideas and Trends

Thursday, January 14 | 3:30PM–4:15PM | Harborside Ballroom D
Session Type: Professional Development
The Center for Leadership Development at the Stillman School of Business at Seton Hall University sponsored the Ideas and Trends Initiative to provide an opportunity for students to develop a course enabling them to identify and understand the impact of emerging ideas and trends. Students participating in the initiative have been exposed to various written works, digital tools and platforms, and a variety of disruptive technologies. Students used wikis, blogs, and other Web 2.0 tools to collaborate on the final deliverable of the initiative, a course that will be offered to future classes of leadership development students.


  • Jack Shannon

    Professor, Seton Hall University
  • Riad Twal

    Senior Instructional Designer, Seton Hall University