Implementing an Enterprise Streaming Media System

Friday, January 15 | 9:30AM–10:15AM | Harborside Ballroom B
Session Type: Professional Development
In spring 2009, Penn College rolled out a new enterprise streaming media system, with the intent of eventually replacing physical media on campus. This presentation will offer a step-by-step analysis of our implementation timeline, from needs analysis through the pilot and testing phase to the institution-wide rollout and future-proofing. Special attention will be given to the importance of interdepartmental communication and cooperation, with emphasis on cost-efficiency and leveraging of existing resources. This presentation will address both pedagogical and technical approaches to streaming media implementation and will feature a detailed breakdown and explanation of digital copyright and intellectual property issues.


  • Tracey Amey

    Director of the Madigan Library, Pennsylvania College of Technology
  • Jim Dougherty

    Director of Computing & Media Services, Pennsylvania College of Technology