Show and Tell Using JING

Thursday, February 18 | 2:30PM–3:30PM | Capitol Ballroom E
Session Type: Professional Development
JING software can be downloaded and accessed from any desktop from which a librarian is working with a patron, whereas Techsmith's Camtasia and Adobe's Captivate applications require a license for each desktop. In addition, JING allows librarians to visually communicate assistance to their patrons via on-the-fly tutorials in lieu of comparable purchased software. JING can also be used to add visuals to screenshots, making it easier to highlight information on a website or database when assisting patrons. JING tutorials can be uploaded to the website, generating a URL that librarians can send to patrons.


  • Arlene Salazar

    Reference Librarian, Texas State University
  • Jan Tidwell

    Instruction & Reference Librarian, Texas State University