Connectivity 24/7 for 21st-Century Success: Going Mobile in Health Science Education

Thursday, June 02, 2011 | 9:30AM–10:15AM | Grand Ballroom Salons A-C
Session Type: Professional Development
As part of a pilot project, the Health Sciences Division of Georgia Perimeter College provided mobile technology devices to all students and full-time faculty with the purpose of determining the impact on student learning. First-year nursing and dental hygiene students received an iPod touch; second-year nursing and dental hygiene students received an iPad. Students were provided commercial software and podcasts of course content. We tracked the students with online evaluations and focus sessions. We will share what we learned regarding student learning and course outcomes based on the results of this project.


  • Wakita Bradford

    Nursing Community Outreach Educational Technology Coordinator, Georgia Perimeter College
  • Sue Buchholz

    Associate Professor, Georgia Perimeter College

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