Are You Paying Attention to the Character Behind the (Layer 7) Curtain?
Are You Paying Attention to the Character Behind the (Layer 7) Curtain?
Wednesday, January 12, 2011 | 5:45PM–6:30PM | Harborside Ballroom B
Session Type:
Professional Development
Many bad guys revised their attack methodology during 2010. Roughly 80% of attacks are now initiated through the web application layer 7 vulnerabilities, yet most higher ed Institutions allocate less than 20% of their security budget and attention to guarding this attack vector. This presentation will examine the security challenges that The Johns Hopkins University faced and how it used Trustwave's leading WebDefend technology to address these challenges.
Alan Shackelford
Senior Systems Engineer, The Johns Hopkins University
Marc Shinbrood
Vice President, and former Chairman & CEO of Breach Security, Trustwave