Getting Our Heads in the Game: Becoming Strategic Partners

Friday, January 14, 2011 | 10:30AM–11:15AM | Harborside Ballroom A
Session Type: Professional Development
During the past year, IT Services at Albright College has made a deliberate effort to become a more strategic campus resource. As its environment changed over the long term, the organization had not evolved with it, and we found opportunities for success dwindling. Partnerships were one-sided and opportunities to effect change limited. It was time to consider how our relationships, actions, assumptions, and approaches could change in ways that allow us to serve as a strategic partner. As we embraced a new role, the administration and the community responded positively, and our ability to succeed has grown significantly.


  • Jason Hoerr

    CIO, Albright College
  • Andy Hoster

  • Gena Howard

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