Mobile Technology in Higher Education: Strategies, Priorities, and Examples

Thursday, January 13, 2011 | 11:45AM–12:30PM | Harborside Ballroom B
Session Type: Professional Development
Join us for an interactive panel discussion with distance learning instructors, instructional design and technology managers who will describe how they developed successful mobile technology strategies at their respective institutions. Specifically, The Abington college of Penn State University has incorporated mobile learning technology as a key component of its blended learning initiative to provide students with more flexibility and convenience. Dickinson College has just completed a campus-wide effort to develop a strategy to prioritize, develop, and support mobile technologies to support campus administrative functions. In its third year, the Mobility Initiative at the University of Maryland has evolved from a student recruitment effort to a more integrated project to enhance teaching and learning while at the same time spawning the development of a Mobile Enterprise Environment strategy. The discussion will focus on identifying the keys to a successful mobile strategy, determining your institutions capabilities for development and support of mobile technologies, and setting development priorities.


  • Ron Costello

    Associate Vice Chancellor for Distance Education, University of North Carolina, Wilmington
  • Jill Forrester

    Vice President, Information & Technology Services and CIO, Dickinson College
  • Chris Higgins

    Principal, CJPH Consulting

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