Going Digital: Conducting Student Research in Teams with Web 2.0

Thursday, January 12, 2012 | 11:45AM–12:30PM | Harborside Ballroom D
Session Type: MARC12

This session describes how student researchers used digital media, including a class wiki, to conduct a multi-team research project. Attendees will learn about the challenges of coordinating the work of student research teams and how digital media can help overcome them. Students were able to use a wiki and other digital tools to provide the confidentiality necessary to safeguard study participants' identities while also providing the access for collaborative work in data gathering and analysis by team members. Attendees will be invited to consider how digital media can be used in their own higher education settings for student-led research teams.


  • Terry Carter

    Associate Dean for Professional Instruction and Faculty Development, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Jonathan West

    Graduate Student, Virginia Commonwealth University

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