Kuali Open Library Environment (OLE): The Library as an Enterprise Asset

Friday, January 13, 2012 | 10:30AM–11:15AM | Essex
Session Type: MARC12

Timothy McGeary and Michael Winkler will discuss the November 2011 release and technical efforts underway to connect Kuali OLE to other enterprise systems at Lehigh University and the University of Pennsylvania. The presenters will discuss integrating Kuali OLE users with identity management systems, transferring data to enterprise financial and learning management systems, including independent applications built on Kuali Rice to migrate current workflows into Kuali OLE. There will be a strong emphasis on use cases, the process of identifying key integration points, demonstration of existing functionality, and discussion of predicted functionality based on future Kuali OLE development.


  • Debra Hanken Kurtz

    Associate Dean, Technology and Digital Strategies, Florida State University
  • Michael Winkler

    Retired - IT Manager, Cornell University

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