The Colloquium and the Cloud: A Living-Learning-Blogging Initiative at Virginia Tech

Thursday, January 12 | 3:30PM–4:15PM | Harborside Ballroom A
Session Type: Professional Development
Can small-group residential learning serve as a template for a large, public research university? Virginia Tech has adopted an outsourced, enterprise blogging platform to enable students and professors throughout the campus to experiment with aggregation and curation of student reflections on the open web. A pilot program is under way this fall with the new Honors Residential College. The goal is to foster a distributed conversation across entire programs and, potentially, across the entire university community-and beyond. This session will feature the perspectives and voices of participants from each major area involved in this project: administrative, student, and faculty.


  • Gardner Campbell

    Associate Professor of English, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Shelli Fowler

    Associate Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Rob Stephens

    Assoc. Prof. of History, Principal, Honors Residential College, Virginia Tech