Does BYOD Require BYOITS (By Your Own IT Staff) for the Mobile Tsunami?

Friday, June 01, 2012 | 11:30AM–1:00PM | Grand Ballroom Salon E
Session Type: Professional Development
We are in the midst of a national trend of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). How does this new movement impact our campuses in terms of IT support for teaching and learning? Will those schools implementing BYOD also BTOF (Bring Their Own Funding) for the additional costs and resources required (including time, security, safety, and networks)? What are the latest issues regarding mobilization (mobile devices and mobile apps) that affect IT? How does IT stay proactive without being seen as prohibiting mobilization on campus? Bring your own experiences and questions to this important session.


  • Robbie Melton

    Associate Vice Chancellor for Emerging Mobile IoT Technologies, Tennessee Board of Regents

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