Seeking What Works: Mobile Teaching and Learning

Thursday, May 31, 2012 | 10:30AM–11:15AM | Grand Ballroom Salons A/B
Session Type: Professional Development
Mobile devices aren't just ubiquitous; for many students, they're becoming the preferred device, which has many implications for teaching and learning. Given this situation, what should a mobile learning initiative look like, and how can we evaluate its impact? This session has a two-fold goal. First, we'll review the community's findings and institutional examples of mobility's potential in the areas of content delivery, student collaboration, and community building. Second, we'll share strategies and methodologies to help measure the impact of mobile tools on teaching and learning. You'll have the opportunity to think about, discuss, and share ideas regarding these key considerations for m-learning.


  • Malcolm Brown

    Consultant, EDUCAUSE Alumni

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