The CAUs of Solid Course Design: Maximizing Student Learning

Friday, June 01, 2012 | 10:30AM–11:15AM | Grand Ballroom Salons A/B
Session Type: Professional Development
Copyright, Accessibility, and Universal Design for Learning form the CAUs to help online faculty build accessible courses from the ground up. At UCF, we've updated our professional development materials to include a course rubric to encompass overall course design as well as copyright and accessibility parameters. We've coupled that with the use of a usability checker to ensure that our online course materials maximizes the learning of all students. Presenters will share the strategies, resources and best practices gained from this experience to help ensure that your courses meet today's changing landscape of students' needs.


  • Kathleen Bastedo

    Instructional Specialist, University of Central Florida
  • Jessica Vargas

    Associate Director of Educational Technology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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