Innovation Showcase: Three Institutions Share Exciting New Ways to Engage Students and Faculty
Creating New Ways to Inspire Technology Adoption on Campus
This session will provide participants with tools and best practices for IT leadership and staff to teach and transfer new technology to academic leaders. Learn how to collaborate with academic leadership in developing the best informal platform for delivering a new high-tech application that assists faculty in their teaching environments. Efforts toward enhancing teaching and learning technologies deliberately coincide with the strategic plan and goals of Columbus State University.
Digital Atlanta: Engaging Students in Their Local Environment
The Georgia State University Library is connecting and engaging students with their local Atlanta environment through a new interdisciplinary digital project involving historical city planning maps. Designed as an educational digital humanities platform, "Planning Atlanta: A New City in the Making, 1930s–1990s," is currently being used by students in various disciplines. Through this dynamic platform, students, educators, and the public are engaging with their surroundings, discovering connections about the built environment and the past, and changing their perception of Atlanta in ways that would not be possible without the aid of this digital collection.
Realizing Meaningful Interactions Online through OER Cartoons and Prompts
Efforts to instill a student's sense of personal ownership in the online course experience often fall short due to the nature of the communicative prompts. This session will address encourage enthusiasm in faculty teaching online, hybrid, or blended classes through the use of OER cartoons that depict the life of college students as they navigate through an online course. The cartoons—freely available for download and use through one-click download as well as live updates in the LMS through RSS technology—are accompanied by a set of questions to stimulate peer discussion. This new OER resource is the cartoon Online U.