Securing the Airwaves: The New Trust Frontier

Wednesday, May 04, 2022 | 3:15PM–4:00PM ET | Grand Ballroom VII-IX, 3rd Floor
Session Type: Industry Led
Delivery Format: Presentation/Panel Session

More and more universities are implementing multiple mobility solutions across wider areas to meet student, research, and community  requirements. This includes Wi-Fi 6 (indoor and outdoor) 5G (public/private), some using 5G in a box/AAS through providers. Given the increased need of tougher compliance, a CISO needs to work closely with their infrastructure and telecommunication teams. This session looks from a CISO's perspective. What are the best strategies? How will micro segmentation and zero trust need to be supported across the wireless footprint in this future? And how that will be critical to support CMMC 2.0 imperatives as we move forward? Daniel Basile, CISO for Texas A&M's RELLIS campus, leads this discussion with assistance from Neal Tilley, Cisco's higher education strategic advisor and coordinator of Cisco's Research & CISO advisory councils.


  • Dan Basile

    Chief Information Security Officer-RELLIS, Texas A&M University
  • Neal Tilley

    Strategic Advisor, Cisco Systems, Inc.