Building the Architecture of Classroom Teaching: Lessons from an "Untethered Teaching" Pilot Project

Wednesday, February 12, 2014 | 10:15AM–11:15AM | Oregon Ballroom Salon GH
Session Type: Professional Development

Are new teaching techniques made possible when faculty are "untethered" from a classroom podium by using a tablet computer? What technical infrastructure and institutional resources are required to enable such a classroom design? These questions have guided the "Untethered Teaching" pilot project at the University of Washington Bothell. In this presentation, we will discuss the pilot process and provide insight into the institutional, technical, and pedagogical resources that were mobilized to make it happen. Join the conversation about the successes and challenges of untethered teaching and bring those lessons back to your own campus. Participants will be encouraged to explore how these tools might be used in their own institutions.

Learn about evaluation strategies used to select hardware and software * Explore navigating institutional policies and procedures to implement an untethered classroom pilot * Envision how this project fits within the national BYOE and mobile devices dialogue in higher education


  • Andreas Brockhaus

    Executive Director of Learning Innovation, University of Washington
  • Sara Frizelle

    eLearning Planning & Research Specialist, University of Washington Bothell

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