Analytics Readiness: How Do You Measure Up?

Wednesday, March 02 | 2:00PM–3:00PM | Colorado Ballroom CD, Lower Level 2
Session Type: Professional Development
Is your IT organization's analytics initiative topnotch? Or are you hitting a roadblock but you just don't know why? Building on our successful benchmarking initiatives, EDUCAUSE has created a new online service that helps IT leaders assess and benchmark maturity and technology deployment for a suite of strategic initiatives including analytics, e-learning, IT risk management, IT governance, information security, and student success. Join us to explore the landscape of these benchmarking initiatives in higher education and learn how to compare successes and improve in areas of difficulty.

OUTCOMES: Explore specific maturity and technology benchmarks of IT's capability to deliver on strategic initiatives * Reflect on comparative areas of success and opportunities for improvement * Discuss action items for engaging institutional leadership on areas for improvement