Enterprise WOW! Transforming IT from Service Management to Enterprise Service

Monday, March 13, 2017 | 1:15PM–2:15PM | Oregon Ballroom GH, Ballroom Level
Session Type: Breakout Session
Lone Star College’s IT department has taken the notion of customer delight to a new level. Rather than focusing on IT issues and requests, the department has transitioned to a new model in which it actively reaches out to its customers to deliver solutions that alleviate operating challenges outside of the IT department, thus becoming a true partner with the organization. Learn how we have transformed from an IT service management shop to providing enterprise service management by partnering with organizational departments such as HR, legal, grants, finance, and assistive technology to bring consistency to processes and improved institutional-wide service delivery.

OUTCOMES: Identify challenges when moving from ITSM to enterprise service management * Describe why ESM can improve operational efficiencies * Start implementing ESM at your institution using the best practices given in the presentation


  • Nicole Aboltin

  • Butch Juelg

    Sr. Associate Vice Chancellor, Technology Services, Lone Star College System