Presenter Resources

General Presenter Information

Q: Could you explain what my "Session Type" means?


Facilitated Sessions
Are 60-90 minutes each and may involve multiple presenters ("connected" by EDUCAUSE), both experienced and first-timers.


Q: Do I need to register to present?


As a presenter you must register in order to present. Be sure to register by February 13 to get the discounted early-bird rate.


Q: How can I share my presentation materials, and should I include a copyright statement?


We invite you share your presentation by emailing your files or URLs after the conference. To do this, please email your presentation materials to [email protected].

We ask that you include the following.

  • Subject Line: EDUCAUSE Connect Portland Presentation Materials to upload
  • File Attachments: Please rename all files to include the session title (examples – First Timers Orientation_slides.ppt & First Timers Orientation_handout.pdf)
  • Email Body:
    Session Date/Time:
    Session Title: TITLE
    Author: NAME(S)

You may use this copyright statement on one of your first slides: This presentation leaves copyright of the content to the presenter. Unless otherwise noted in the materials, uploaded content carries the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license, which grants usage to the general public with the stipulated criteria.


Q: How will my onsite room be set up?


Our goal is to have all session meeting rooms set with round tables, provided the space will accommodate this seating style. There will be a highboy cocktail round provided at the front of the room, toward the side, for laptop projection. Whenever possible, the rooms are set to maximize interactive activities with participants and eliminate the "sage on the stage" approach.


Q: Is there a Power Point template I should use for my presentation?


EDUCAUSE has prepared an optional PowerPoint template for your convenience.


Q: Will I have access to audio/visual equipment?


All of the session rooms will have the following standard equipment:


  • LCD projector
  • Screen (sizes vary depending on room size but are typically 7.5 x 10)
  • Projector stand

* Computers will NOT be provided. Bring your own computer equipped with a standard VGA output and learn how to use a projector with it before arriving. Mac users should bring their own laptop-to-VGA connectors.


  • Wireless handheld microphone
  • Wired lavaliere microphone (one per presenter)
  • Computer audio patch


Q: Will I have Internet access?


The following internet connections will be available:

  • Wireless access will be available for both presenters and attendees. The connection speed will be sufficient to access and navigate web pages and e-mail.

  • One Ethernet connection for presenter use (cable dropped between lectern and table and requested to be long enough for use at either location).

  • Substantial bandwidth will be provided and should be sufficient for basic applications you wish to present. However, if you know that your presentation will require a significant bandwidth and have concerns, please contact Sarah Reynolds.


This page contains information and resources to assist you as a presenter at 2017 Connect Portland. If you do not find an answer to your question, please contact us.