Management Institute

EDUCAUSE Management Institute

The EDUCAUSE Management Institute is tailored to higher education IT managers with 3-5 years of experience. The institute provides a deeper foundation for enhancing those skills contributing to the successful engagement and motivation of people, such as interpersonal communication, time management, negotiation, and performance management.

The goal of the institute is not only to help improve the management skills of those who direct people, processes, and functions within campus information resources organizations, but also to provide a broader context to consider the issues of IT management in higher education.

About This Institute

IT professionals who have 3-5 years' experience and want to augment their practical skills important to effective management should consider attending this event. The intensive five-day institute engages participants in interactive sessions throughout the day and into the evening. It offers an invaluable opportunity to share information and experiences with peers and seasoned IT managers from campuses across the country and internationally.

During the Management Institute Participants Learn…

  • Communication
  • Partnerships and Collaboration
  • Personal and Professional Development
  • Project and Organizational Management
  • Strategic Thinking and Planning

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Contact Us

For general information about this event, including registration, please contact EDUCAUSE Member Services:


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