Influencing Vertically

Tuesday, July 23 | 8:15AM–9:15AM MT | Alpine East Ballroom, second level
Session Type: General Session

Senior Directors are caught in the middle; you lead your teams while influencing executive leadership whether that be the CIO, the Chief Academic Officer or even the Chancellor or President. As your sphere of influence expands, your institutional perspective needs to follow accordingly in order to be effective. Getting the ear of institutional leadership requires emotional intelligence and a nuanced understanding of what will resonate. We will focus on what it takes to influence leadership successfully.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand how executive leadership approaches decision making
  • Develop methods to successfully engage with executives throughout the institution
  • Learn how the pressures on your supervisor effect how you approach different situations


  • Damian Doyle

    Deputy CIO, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • Karen Warren

    Associate Vice President for Information Technology, Wesleyan University