Tuesday, August 03, 2004 | 1:00AM–1:00AM

USA PATRIOT Act and Beyond: How Higher Education Institutions and Libraries Are Cooperating and Coping

Two years after the USA PATRIOT Act was passed, presenters focus on real-life impacts felt and policies implemented at institutions of higher education and in libraries. The discussion will include information on how individual campuses are implementing the act in relation to campus IT units and libraries. Interaction with other federal and state laws will also be explored, as well as future policy implications. Attendees will gain a better understanding of how the laws may impact their role on campus and how other universities have been impacted and responded to date.


  • Marilu Goodyear

    Associate Professor, University of Kansas
  • Jenny Mehmedovic

    Assistant Director, Consulting & Coaching Services, KU Public Management Center, University of Kansas

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