Learning Labs

laptop with stack of books on the screen and mortar board on top. five icons around it: lightbulb, diploma, mortarboard, calendar, magnifying glass.

Take part in live, in-depth learning experiences to advance your expertise in today’s most pressing topics. You’ll come away with actionable insights and skills that you can implement at your institution and help you advance in your career.

  • Duration


    Learning Labs take place over several weeks

  • Time Commitment

    Time Commitment

    Each learning lab has four live, online sessions that last between one and one and a half hours. The optional application activities take an additional 2-4 hours. 

  • Delivery


    All Learning Labs are delivered online using Canvas and Zoom, more information will be provided upon registration.

  • Credential


    Successful completers of the optional activities receive a digital microcredential.

The Learning Lab experience includes a set of resources, an asynchronous discussion, and interactive live sessions, all of which culminate in the development of a project or application to apply learning to local and specific contexts in support of the learning objectives.

Can't join the live sessions?
You can participate in the learning lab asynchronously. Attendance during the live sessions is not required to complete the assignments or earn the microcredential.


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